President William Ruto’s recent joke about the new nickname Kenyans have given him, “El Chapo,” has sparked a lot of laughter and conversation. In his remarks, he humorously referenced his political journey, saying, “Mtaniua na majina. Mlianza na hustler, mkaenda Zakayo alafu kasongo.” and now it’s El Chapo.”
This light-hearted comment captures how the President has been creatively nicknamed by Kenyans, with each label reflecting a different phase of his political career.
“Hustler” was the title he embraced during his 2022 presidential campaign, symbolizing his appeal to the common man and his background in rising from humble beginnings. “Zakayo” likely refers to the biblical figure Zacchaeus, a tax collector, possibly alluding to his position as a leader of the country, a role often associated with handling taxes and revenue.